entry ini mengandungi bahan rusuhan.. sila tekan X untuk pulang ke pangkal jalan..

aku bukan nak marah aku bukan nak apa.. jux to let you know even you put me in front of your 1000 bestfriendsss those are given a very LANCANG THE MULUT YANG KORANG ANGGAP THE BEST or your hyper FAMOUS AMOUS COOL GENG KEKONON tu, i'll never step back and i'll make sure that i'm still alive if Allah told so..
for a couple year i'm live alone.. no one to talk.. no one to story morry pepanjang lebar.. no one to laugh together about the funny things.. just do all the study things by myself.. going find something to eat and eating alone.. and sometimes crying without no reason.. but fyi i'm still not give up derr..
aku bukan nak marah aku bukan nak apa.. jux to let you know even you put me in front of your 1000 bestfriendsss those are given a very LANCANG THE MULUT YANG KORANG ANGGAP THE BEST or your hyper FAMOUS AMOUS COOL GENG KEKONON tu, i'll never step back and i'll make sure that i'm still alive if Allah told so..
for a couple year i'm live alone.. no one to talk.. no one to story morry pepanjang lebar.. no one to laugh together about the funny things.. just do all the study things by myself.. going find something to eat and eating alone.. and sometimes crying without no reason.. but fyi i'm still not give up derr..
do you think that your CACI MAKI BOLEH BUAT AKU GANTUNG DIRI... not at all and most importantly it was not me being a person that can give up easily .. you can make me crying crazily.. you can cursing me bout whatever you want.. you can laughing at me because of my weakness.. then finally you will know who i am... even i'm not the perfect gurlx but i'm still have consideration better than yours..
aku still berpegang dengan apa yang mak aku pesan...
''Dik.. Bukan semua orang berkawan sama dengan cara kita.. Kita orang yang tak ada harta nie senang je orang nak buat macam macam.. walaupun adik tak ada kawan masa adik susah tapi jangan lupa tolong kawan kawan adik masa diorang susah.. Paling penting kalau berkawan jangan sesekali berhutang.. Duit tu boleh jadi sebab utama manusia bermusuh... Kalau adik tak ada tempat nak bercerita,mak sedia nak dengar.. Jangan lupa mak sentiasa ada cuma masanya je tak tahu sekejap ke lama...''
kau tak perlu risau aku ibarat katak bawah tempurung ke hape sebab mak aku dah didik aku dari kecik.. campaklah je aku nie kat mana mana.. InsyAllah selagi ada nyawa aku akan tetap hidup.. tak guna kalau ada kekayaan and kemegahan tapi kau tak boleh hidup tanpa seorang teman kat sisi kau.. sebab dalam dunia nie and even dekat alam satu lagi nanti pon kau tetap berseorangan...
maybe today i'm not prettier than your girlfriend.. not sexier than your mom.. and not even perfecto than your granny.. but i'll make sure that when i met you in the future you're not anyone for me.. absolutely not anyone..
tenxs cause give me an idea to updating my blog.. make me bubbling like a stupido.. dan aku berterima kasih jugak kat kau sebab buat aku tetiba nak tulis guna bahasa engelish merhapu meghaban.. tolong tick mana grammar yang salah ye..
tenxs for all friends that still stick with me, annoying norapikah..:)
wei knp? knp?
ntahlah aku bosan hidup kat kl nie tetiba..
aku ade gak r terkene mcm ko,tp mse last sem, mkn sorg, pegi mne2 sorg, sbb SORANG manusia je pon,
erm tu la susahnye kita hidup dengan lain lain negeri.. lain negeri lain ragam ryte..:)
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